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Poseidon: lord of the sea in Greek mythology || How did Poseidon become the god of the sea?

    Poseidon-Greek Mythology-God of the Sea

How did Poseidon become the god of the sea?

What is Poseidon's story?

How old is Poseidon god of the sea?

Who is lord of the sea?


                    (Poseidon: The God of Seas)

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                               ðŸ‘‰ðŸ‘‰Poseidon Lord of the sea the god of drought floods earthquakes and horses but most importantly one of the Olympians that I still haven’t covered for some reason and I know some of you have been asking for almost two years now so I guess it’s finally time with the blogger of this magnitude we should probably start at the very beginning with the Mycenaean religion essentially the mother to all Greek myth before we begin we have to put aside any image of the Greek pantheon that we think we have because the Mycenaean Pantheon is pretty much the foundation that all others were built from to the Mycenaeans Poseidon was pretty much the figurehead of their religion the role that we now associate with Zeus originally belonged to him even Persephone was considered the daughter of Demeter and Poseidon as opposed to Zeus but most of this can be attributed to the fact that Zeus is a deity that doesn’t appear until much later one of the earliest stories that we have of Poseidon involves him transforming into a horse to meet with Demeter who had previously transformed herself into a mare this whole transformation into an animal to mate of someone is something that we see numerous times all throughout Greek myth the Mycenaeans did still see poseidon as the god of earthquakes but he was mostly associated with the underworld and its many rivers which in itself is quite interesting because that is a role we would more commonly associate to his other brother Hades but


                                  👉👉in the absence of his brothers Poseidon was pretty much the three-in-one Swiss Army knife deity it’s hard to say with any real certainty if the Mycenaeans ever saw poseidon as the god of the sea because we just don’t know enough about the culture nor the people but the poet’s that followed seemed to agree that this association to the sea only came after his father was defeated as the years passed and many different versions of the Greek religion came and went beside became one of the original six Olympians the children of Cronus and Rhea whom all except Zeus were swallowed at Birth by their father there are some versions of the story where Poseidon was also given away by his mother in the same way Zeus was but these are much harder to come by when they eventually did manage to overthrow their father the three brothers drew straws to see how the world would be divided and who would rule which domain but Zeus never intended for this to be a fair contest and so the underworld was given to Hades when he drew the shortest straw Poseidon would then take the sea when he drew the second shortest straw and Zeus emerging victorious would of course become the ruler of the sky it’s quite rare to see images of Poseidon without his iconic Trident and when his name is mentioned I’m sure the Trident is what comes to mind for most people during the War of the Titans Zeus freed the Cyclopes from Tartarus and in exchange they forged the gods their weapons and this is where Poseidon order see if his Trident the symbol that would identify the God and ruler of the sea of course Poseidon wasn’t the only data associated of the sea there were many that came before him from pontus and thala saw which literally means sea to Oceanus and the many minor deities and children that followed the reason we refer to him as the god of the sea is because that is the role he took as ruler and it’s much easier to refer to one than having to name all 10,000 seeing as we are on a topic of thousands of deities I guess we can look at Poseidon’s lovers and many many children the Zeus blog or maybe even dark or episode – they’re coming soon I promise that as if my neighbors would stop howling like baboons and operate in heavy machinery for two seconds so I can actually record a video I’ve never really wished harm on anyone but theoretically if lightning did happen to strike the exact area that my neighbors were in that would mean I can upload more than one video every four hundred years which would be pretty damn good just throwing that out there for anyone who wants to help me out looking at you Zeus there’s a reason that both Hades and Poseidon got a video before you so you know you on that video you better get to work I guess these random tangents have just become like a staple of most videos and I’m just gonna leave them in and I thought a few comedic li challenged out there that think I’m being serious and that was a joke I don’t actually want my neighbors to get hit by lightning even if they do make it impossible for me to make videos but theoretically if a black hole opened up and swallowed them I can’t say I’d miss them too much anyway back on a topic of Poseidon’s many lovers and children I guess we should start with his wife and feet righty and the rather weird story of how they got married when Poseidon made it known that he wished to marry Amphitrite


                                       ðŸ‘‰ðŸ‘‰she attempted to flee in the hopes of remain in a virgin rather than pursue her himself Poseidon sent his dolphins to bring her back and yes if you are wondering dolphins are pretty much dolphins except they were spirits in the service of Poseidon it’s never really stated where they originated from just that they were amongst his most beloved followers there are two different versions of this story one being that the dolphins kidnapped and for trotty and brought her back against her will and the other being that one dolphin in particular managed to convince her to come back and marry Poseidon it’s because of the actions of this one lone dolphin that the dolphin were actually placed in the sky as the constellation Delphinus there is an additional part of this story written by Roman poets where the Delfin responsible for persuading Amphitrite to come back actually organizes and officiates the wedding now as where does this entire story maybe I’m sure if people could get married by dolphins today then there are those that would I don’t know why because the obvious animal of choice to marry you would be a penguin because it already looks like they’re wearing a tuxedo and if you disagree well you’re just wrong so I’m fit right he married Poseidon and became the queen of the sea together they had two children of note a son named Triton whose image is often confused of that of his father because he also carries around a trident the main difference between the two was that Triton had the upper body of a man but a fish’s tail pretty much just making him a giant Merman and the Triton Yves was also the name given to see spirits that resembled mermen so I guess that is one of the possible origins they also had a daughter named rodas who was the personification of the Greek island known as Rhodes but not every poet seems to agree that Poseidon was the father rather that she was the daughter of Amphitrite and an unnamed man regardless both Amphitrite and Triton lived with Poseidon in his golden palace found in the Aegean Sea similar to Hades he spent most of his time away from Olympus unless he was called upon while married to Amphitrite one of his many lovers was the nymph Scylla when Amphitrite eventually found out about this affair she transformed Scylla into the hideous monster of the sea that we’ve come to know according to the poet known as Poseidon then transformed her from this hideous form into a coastal cliff found in the Straits of Messina he was so father to twins who were born from Medusa’s neck when she was beheaded by Perseus the winged steed Pegasus and Christ saw the boy born with the golden sword also known as the golden giant it’s not a huge surprise but he also had an affair with Aphrodite shortly after Aries and her were released from her Festus Ezeli fair while she was still married to him this is where it begins to sound like one of those TV dramas targeted at bored housewives when they were caught by her Festus most of the gods thought it was hilarious to be caught in the act but Poseidon didn’t find this funny and so he pretty much pleaded and convinced the Festus to let them go and I guess this is where in order to show her gratitude she then had an affair with Poseidon so at this point in the Real Housewives of Olympus I don’t really know who’s supposed to be cheating on who Aphrodite was still married to her Festus when she had her fill of Ares but then she obviously left him for Ares to have an affair with Poseidon who was still married to Amphitrite and just to make everything even more confusing if Amphitrite x’ daughter was from an unnamed man does that mean she had an affair on Poseidon while he was doing the very same I all a have no clue but if you think that’s confusing then wait till we get to Zeus his love life I personally recommend that you take my approach when it comes to the gods and their many relationships just nod your head say oh okay then and accept that there’s no point in searching for any semblance of logic and move on the children of Poseidon are pretty much an endless list he fathered God’s demigods and nymphs and Giants animals as well as a host of mortal children so a good rule of thumb in Greek myth is if it breathes there’s a good chance it came from either Zeus or Poseidon some of his most famous mortal children included Bellerophon Theseus and Lamia it’s also pretty ironic that many of the gods hated the Giants but Poseidon was father to quite a few include in Orion Otis kreisau and the a Lodi but I’m sure the offspring that you want to hear about the most was the animal offspring we already mentioned Pegasus and with Poseidon being the god of horses it makes sense that he would have more than one horse child so along with the flying horse Pegasus there was also Ariane the fastest of all horses who could also speak there was also Christ saw MELAS a Golden Fleece fly in RAM was also capable of speaking pretty much Pegasus Aryan and Christ all rolled into one so


                             ðŸ‘‰ðŸ‘‰ðŸ‘‰  either the ancient Greeks ran out of ideas or after years of experimentation Poseidon had finally created the best mutant Ram child thing I’ll leave you to decide so with that out of the way I guess we can take a look at some of the stories that Poseidon was involved in which is quite a few I’m sure many of you have heard the story of Perseus using Medusa’s head to slay the sea monster Cetus and save Andromeda this entire scenario only occurred because Queen Cassiopeia made the claim that her daughter was the most beautiful of all the land even more so than the narratives the maidens of the sea who protected sailors and fishermen Poseidon’s wife also happened to be one of the naira teased and so the thought of his wife’s beauty being compared to a mere mortal angered him enough to where he summoned the monster Cetus to destroy their entire kingdom the king and queen not known what to do then tied their daughter to a pair of rocks and offered her as a sacrifice to the monster in order to appease Poseidon but this is where Perseus swoops in saves the day and kills the monster it wasn’t really uncommon to see poseidon pop up in a story retaliate because someone angered him and then just disappear when Odysseus blinded these Cyclops Polyphemus he turned to his father to help him get revenge and he did eventually answer he sons prayers send in a huge storm to destroy your dishes ship and leave him and he’s men stranded delay in their journey home for an additional 10 years another pretty well-documented story was his dispute with the goddess Athena as to who would become the patron of Athens as it was a city plagued by drought Poseidon slammed his Trident against the ground and created the people a spring but the only water to come from this spring was salt water so it was pretty much useless Athena then gave the people an olive branch which they preferred because it provided food firewood and it also represented peace and so she became their patron deity leaving Poseidon less than happy with the outcome in the story of the Minotaur King Minos prayed to Poseidon to present him with a splendid bull from the depths of the ocean so he could show the people of Crete that the gods favored him and that he was the rightful king he promised Poseidon that he would then sacrifice the bull in his honor should he grant his prayer shortly after the most splendid white bull Minos had ever seen appeared before him and once his people saw this he became the king of Crete now that was time to keep his side of the bargain Venus had grown fond of the bull and thought he could trick Poseidon by swapping the bull of another from his herd this of course didn’t work and Poseidon turn the bull feral but he didn’t stop there he then made it so Minos his wife fell in love of this bull and after having Daedalus build her a wooden cow she climbed inside and had sex with said bull from that rather odd form of bestiality she had a child this child would of course be the Minotaur who would plague Minos his kingdom so we are starting to learn that making poseidon angry doesn’t end very well the same can be said for most gods but Zeus and Poseidon tend to find the most creative ways to punish those guilty of hubris there was also the time that the gods rebelled against Zeus during the coup of Olympus and as a result both Apollo and Poseidon were stripped of their divinity and placed in the service of King llama Don who had them build a wall around the city of Troy promising to reward them once it was finished the king went back on his word and so Poseidon once again sent a sea monster to destroy the city after consulting with an Oracle she told the king that the only way to save his people was to tie his daughter to a rock and offer her as a sacrifice very similar to the story of Perseus and Andromeda but this time it will be Heracles who killed the monster throughout the trojan war poseidon intervenes several times helped in the greeks over the trojans but that is something we can discuss further when we cover the Trojan War itself the cult of Poseidon may arguably be one of if not the biggest throughout ancient Greece it did have some presence in central Greece but the majority of his statues and temples were built in southern Greece and around the coastal islands which does make sense as many of his followers would have been sailors and fishermen it became a fairly new more custom amongst fishermen to take a bull down to the shore and sacrifice it in Poseidon’s name believing that he would then grant them a bountiful catch the very next day they would then sacrifice a tenth of what they caught to the Dolphins so they wouldn’t destroy their fishing nets and to Poseidon so he would grant them safe pasWho-is-lord-of-the-sea-Google-searchsage home averting any disaster at sea many also believed that he could create new islands by merely driving his Trident into the ground but the same goes when he was angered by smashing his Trident down he would cause earthquakes floods and all sorts of destruction two ships and fishing villages hence one of his names being the Earthshaker some would even drown horses during storms because they believed this was the only way to appease him but this also sounds like a pretty good way to piss him off pretty quickly for those wondering how Poseidon travelled swimming doesn’t seem like the most efficient way so instead he rode a chariot pulled by the hippocampus horses with a fish tail so pretty much giant sea horses there will always be an argument as to whether Poseidon should have been the rule of the Gods over Zeus similar to that of the Mycenaean iteration ultimately there isn’t really a way of determining this without just arguing about which one of the two you prefer Zeus was the ruler because that is what the ancient Greeks decided so arguing that they were wrong about their own religion is pretty pointless the poets and historians didn’t come up with some kind of power scale we can measure there are some quotes about Poseidon being able to rule if he wished but most agree that Zeus possessed the most authority and that is the only reliable way to determine power without speculation.

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