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           Thanatos- The Greek God Of Death

Who killed Thanatos?
What is Thanato's power?
Who is the father of Thanatos?
What symbol is Thanatos?

                                      (Greek Mythology Explained)


                    👉👉quite often in Greek mythology Hades is mistaken as the god of death and though it is something that he would naturally deal with be in the rule of the underworld it is the primordial deity known as Thanatos who is death personified Thanatos doesn't play a huge part in Greek mythology but he was amongst the first generation of gods to exist his mother being Nix and his father Erebus night and darkness like many of the primordial beings they're quite often thought to represent concepts rather than taken physical form Thanatos of course representing the concept of death but with that being said Thanatos is somewhat of an exception he can be seen making a few rare appearances in early Greek artwork often appearing as a man in a dark cloak with wings sometimes even willed in a scythe a figure that resembles what we consider today to be the Grim Reaper perhaps a dark and fallen angel when deities are associated with death it's quite normal for them to be assumed as evil death is something that

                               ðŸ‘‰ðŸ‘‰ðŸ‘‰we ultimately cannot avoid and the fear of the inevitable is why these figures become somewhat demonized but as is the case with the majority of these deities Thanatos included they are far from evil Thanatos himself was thought to be the spirit of non-violent death known for his gentle touch similar to that of his brother hypnosis the primal deity of sleep it was Thanatos his sister's the karez who were the primordial spirits of slaughter and disease often seen as bloodthirsty and haunting figures Thanatos is remainin siblings were just as powerful Eris the goddess of strife nemesis the goddess of retribution a party the goddess of deception and Charon the boatman of the underworld when performing his duties much like Hades Thanatos was unbias and indiscriminate which men he was hated by both men and gods as in Thanatos his eyes death could not be bargained with he was merciless of those whose time had come to an end but his touch of death was quick and painless death may have been considered as unavoidable especially for mortals but there are a few occasions where individuals manage to outsmart Thanatos and essentially cheat death for a brief period of time the King Sisyphus was a figure known for his guy trickery but having betrayed the gods he was punished by Zeus Thanatos was ordered to take the king to the underworld and chained him there as his time amongst eleven had come to an end when the two eventually reached the underworld the king asked Thanatos if he could demonstrate how the chains would work Thanatos was merciful enough to grant the king this one last request but Sisyphus seized the opportunity trapped in theaters in his own chains and escaped in death with Thanatos bound in the underworld no one on earth could die and this particularly angered the god Ares what good was a war if his opponents could not die and so he intervened traveling to the underworld free in Thanatos and handing over King Sisyphus in the process this story does show us that Thanatos is by no means evil he despised compassion towards the king which doesn't turn lead to him being tricked and we can potentially view this compassion as either a strength or weakness talentos did also have a brief confrontation with the hero Heracles when he was asked to bring the princess known as our cestus to the underworld Heracles fought the god of death eventually driving him away during the Trojan War Thanatos was summoned to return the body of the demigod known as Sarpedon whose

                               ðŸ‘‰ðŸ‘‰ðŸ‘‰ father Zeus wanted his son's body to be taken to his native land of lie SIA Sarpedon was an allied to the Trojans and fought fiercely until the last year of the war when he would be killed by Patroclus despite being responsible for engineering the war Zeus lamented his son's death and he could not let his son's body be disgraced on the battlefield he ordered the god apollo to retrieve his son's body and once apollo had done so he would then give the body to Thanatos and hypnose who would take the body to Lysa and give Sarpedon the hero's burial he deserved talentos of course accepted this task but not because they'd been given to him by Zeus but because honour and death was his solemn duty in the later eras the transition of life to death in the Elysium Fields was seen as a more appealing option than before and with this came a change in Thanatos his appearance he was now seen as an extremely beautiful god similar to that of eros and the other wing and gods of Greek mythology during this period of time there were a number of different depictions of Thanatos in some he was seen as an infant sleeping in the arms of his MA the Knicks and in others he could be seen carrying upside-down torches symbolizing a life that had been extinguished I personally have a great deal of respect for date he's like Thanatos who perform these thankless roles they often go unnoticed and when people do eventually pay attention they're very quick to demonize them without much thought at all Thanatos was known for his gentle touch and his embrace was almost welcomed unlike some of his sisters the form of death that followed was quick and painless Thanatos is of God I'd compare to Hades who's quite often mistakenly associated with the Christian devil leading people to believe that he must be evil there are those who would compare Thanatos to the Grim Reaper and though Thanatos may have been one of the many influences of the Grim Reaper they are most certainly not the same person there is no glory in what Thanatos and the other day tease associated with death do but the role they perform is crucial in maintaining the cycle of life and death I hope you guys enjoyed taking a look at another one of the lesser mentioned deities in Greek mythology if you did and you have any thoughts and Thanatos then please let me know in the comments below but as always I've been your host mythology in fiction explained

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