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 The Sad Stories of Zeus Lovers 

Who are Zeus lovers? 
wife of Zeus?
god of Olympus?

          (Greek Mythology Stories)

                                                👉👉👉in the kingdom of Tyre in Phoenicia there was a beautiful princess her name was Europa she was the daughter of the king aegon or a descendant of the highest noble Egyptian lineage the king gave to his daughter a majestic dress it had once been given to her mother the nymph Libya as he present from Poseidon her lover the young woman appeared splendorous whilst wearing the dress manufactured by the gods so much so that her beauty drew the attention of Zeus in Olympus during the night the princess had an odd dream to divine woman refining one with Eastern traits while the other looked Western the winner of The Clash would be granted the possession of Europa the Western woman won and approached Europa sane Europa woke up frightened but unsure if that was just a nightmare or a legit prophecy by the morning the princess decided to go for a walk with her friends in the edges of the kingdom filled with lust Zeus spotted everything from high above and he decided to act he requested the help of his son Hermes who steered the king's herd getting it closer to the girls without drawing much attention Zeus then became an extremely beautiful white bowl and mixed himself with the herd the young girls quickly noticed the magnificent animal and decided to approach him the white bull will appear to be docile and gave off a sweet odor Europa and her friends started to caress his soft loin and felt delighted with such a gorgeous bull why don't we write him I will be the first said Europa already climbing onto the bull zoo slowly took the princess around the beach the young girl was exhilarated with satisfaction one of her friends said it's my turn Zeus trotted faster to distance himself from the other girls and headed towards the sea the bull and the young girl entered the water the animal splendidly swam and appeared to be capable of surfing the waves Europa was thrilled with the experience but suddenly she perceived that the bull was taking her to the open sea afraid she clung herself to the animal scared of ending up drowned both sailed through the blue sea for a long time night arrived and the bull finally took the young girl to dry land and then left her the young girl was desperate realizing that she did not have a clue where she was the new day broke and the poor girl was still alone and feared that she would never be able to get home again Europa hopeless consider taking her own life and then Aphrodite the goddess of love appeared and said do you remember me a young girl here in the West frightened Europa only wanted to know the reason why she was there don't be desperate it was Zeus who kidnapped you he will take care of you and you will be the object of his love with him you will be honored with an illustrious offspring Zeus appears and introduced him to the young girl I am Zeus Lord the Olympus and the land you are standing on was mine since I was born it's name is Crete but from now on this glorious island will belong to our offspring from the union between Zeus and Europa the brothers Rhadamanthus and Minos the future king of Crete were born the name of Europa was immortalized as now all the lands of that remote region received her name which today is known as Europe you goddess Hera was looking for her husband Zeus but could not find him anywhere in the Olympus from the top of Olympus the goddess looked at a black cloud which was hovering over the images and she had no doubt whatsoever that that was the place where her husband was hidden Zeus had descended to earth to have yet another meeting with his lover the princess IO the young girl noticed that the goddess Hera was getting near and warned Zeus about it who suddenly decided to turn the girl into a beautiful cow pretending that she did not notice her husband's trick the goddess said you heaven no no not by a mile my lovely wife I'm just admiring the stunning animal yes indeed you really is a splendorous cow I want to have it without a way out Zeus could not do anything and so Hera I take the poor cow with her to the Olympus when they arrived at the Olympus the goddess called her Lassie Argos who was one of her hundred-eyed creatures

                       👉👉the beast took the lovely little dairy animals to Egypt escaped everybody there he let her go however stayed cautious consistently in any event, when he was resting Argos kept some of his eyes opened watching the cow shaped nymph after noticing IOS disappearance zeus asked hermes to find and kill the creature who had taken her hermes walked through every pasture every field in every swamp looking for Zeus's missing cow the subtle God finally found our ghost watching the noon while she was grazing the God decided to disguise himself as a shepherd and walked toward both of them as if he did not want anything at all Hermes approached them playing the flute and the melody pleased the creature come here Shepherd and play more of that instrument the God was playing the instrument and realized that the monster was getting more and more relaxed and every one of his eyes began to close but he still had a lot of them open our ghost asked about the story of the instrument and the sagacious hermes decided to tell the story as if he was saying a bedtime story when the creature closed his last eye her knees hit him with his caduceus which had the power to throw anyone into a deep sleep the God unsheathed this sword and beheaded the monster the nymph was free but still had the shape of a cow the goddess Hera now aware of the death of her faithful servant decided to honor him by putting each one of his eyes in the feathers of her royal peacock and decided that the nymph could not go unpunished she ordered the ironies entities of vengeance to torture her wherever she decided to go from that day forward the poor cow was plagued by a cloud of flies which never gave her any moment of peace tired of the treatment brought by the Flies the cow tumbled down and with her move begged the gods to put an end to her suffering Zeus promised to Hera that he would never go after the princess again if she released IO from her punishment so here we lifted the young princess's punishment and Zeus gave her former shade back the only cow resembling trace was the white color of her skin the people of Egypt witnessing the transformation started to worship the young girl as a divine figure the princess was pregnant of Zeus and gave birth to ffs both reigned in Egypt for many years io started to be revered as the goddess Isis and her son at the fuss was the god APUs and founder of the great city of Memphis you Lamia was a KY miracle creature in Greek mythology the figure of a woman with a serpent tail was a source of dread in ancient times but lay Mia was not always like that she was what's a beautiful Queen daughter of Poseidon who reigned over the region of Libya her beauty was so staggering that it caught Souza's attention the supreme god of Olympus and so she became Zeus's lover the God and the Queen had several children something that enraged they got as Hera wife of Zeus she got her revenge on the beautiful Queen in the most ruthless way possible Hera was responsible for the death of all children of Lamia in some versions the goddess made the mother devour her own children and on top of that she was terribly cursed the young woman was transformed into a half woman half snake creature which fed herself by devouring children and young people if that was not enough the God has still managed to prevent Lamia from closing her own eyes and so the picture of the death of her children was always present and so she could never rest but

                               👉👉👉Zeus feeling sorry for the cursed creature allowed her to remove her eyes and so she could finally sleep for some time with time Lamy has been transformed itself and she started to be seen as a vampire creature who by means of seduction attracted young people to her bed and fed on their blood the medieval folklore transformed Lamia into a sort of boogey creature and her story was told with the purpose of scaring children Lamia despite being a figure who lost relevance as centuries went by is still a source of fear and fascination Zuse the universe is supreme God was yet again having one of his affairs this time the target of his lust was Semele the daughter of the king of thieves the god descended to the earth while hiding from his wife to sleep with Semele unlike his other affairs Zeus appeared before his lover as immortal bheem but he never denied that he was an Olympian God semele had no reason whatsoever not to trust in this God given that only a God to provide so many nights of sublime pleasure one day when waking up Semele feels the warmth left by the God on the sheets of her bed he probably had left minutes before the princess thought with a bright smile a someone who really had a stellar night Semele leaves her bed and calls her Maybury the old maid appears and helps her mistress to get dressed while she brags about her romantic adventure but Semele never suspected that actually the old woman was the goddess Hera disguise as her maid the goddess sustains her wrath and tired of being humiliated by Zeus outlines he planned to punish the princess the foe may tries to question the real identity of semele lover she declares that she perceives that the princess has a brief experience as a lover and because of that she is overwhelmed by her boyfriends talent and that she should try avoid being impressed since this talent can be found in any lover who happens to be more committed the princess starts to question the situation a bit more but nonetheless she still believes in her lover but she asked for the help of her maid to sort out this doubt the maid tells her that she has to make su swear that he'll present himself as he really is simile considers this to be a really wonderful idea so at night when her lover returns simile asks him something my love I have never asked you anything but I would like to ask you one thing now ask whatever you want because I swear by the River Styx that I will not deny anything to my love I want to see the supreme God like he really is in all of his glory Zeus feels appalled by his lovers request but since he has sworn that he would give her anything that she asked for he could not deny it the great God showed himself in all his splendor in front of the young princess who felt marveled right from the beginning with her lover's brightness but the bright and the heat emanated by the God becomes stronger and stronger and start to burn the poor immortal being already in flames and feeling her death closer the poor girl thinks to plant a seed of distress in my heart from Semele only a pile of ashes remained however Zeus perceives that there was life amid those ashes it was a baby who was not fully constituted yet Zeus opens a crack in his leg specifically his thigh and inside it he puts the tiny baby who was still alive the God had already given birth to Athena through his head so there was no reason that he could prevent him from delivering another son therefore after some time the child is born who will be the only God born from mother his name was Dionysus the god of wine and feasts tand arias reigned over Sparta and owed his crown to Hercules who had murdered his brother after his attempt to usurp the Spartan throne the king of Sparta married a beautiful princess called Leda she was so beautiful that she attracted the attention of Zeus who started to desire the young Queen one day Leda was refreshing herself at the banks of a stream when she spotted a beautiful swan doing ballet on the water the girl was delighted with the creatures tremendous beauty but suddenly an eagle attacked the Swan with its sharp claws the beautiful bird dodged the attack quickly moving towards the young Queen who protected it Leda found the birds soft feathers amazing but the naive princess didn't know that this beautiful Swan was a bird shaped Zeus with a great God as a swan mated with the young Queen and laid his divine seed after the birds departure Leda kept feeling lustful and looked for attend arias her husband and they both had a night of intense love the Queen was pregnant and much to everyone's surprise she hatched two eggs one gave birth to Helen and Pollux the children of Zeus and from the other two emerged castor and clits Hemnes drop children of Tyndareus Tyndareus made no distinction between the babies and raised all as his legitimate children his descendants would leave their marks in Greek mythology fleet M mistre would then

                              👉👉👉wed Agamemnon the best of every single Greek ruler castor and Pollux would be a piece of Jason's team who might scan for the Golden Fleece Helen thusly would in the long run become the world's most excellent lady being needed by pretty much every lord in Greece and her kidnapping would be the trigger for the beginning of the Trojan War [Music] in the wake of firming his capacity Zeus experiences passionate feelings of snugness meatus the goddess of reasonability and astuteness she attempted to go around the advances of Zeus utilizing all the methods she could given that she had the intensity of transformation the goddess had the option to change herself into a few creatures to lose the Great God yet meatus would not be equipped for getting away from Zeus perpetually the god gets her and transforms her into his better half she rapidly gets pregnant and positively would bring forth an awesome eternality anyway the Oracle of Gaia tells Zeus that the goddess will bring forth two youngsters the principal will be a young lady that will coordinate her dad in quality and sapiens the subsequent will be a kid that will be significantly more grounded than his dad and will take the force from him Zeus fears the chance of confronting a similar destiny of his dad Titan Cronus or of his granddad the god Uranus who were both deposed by their children and enlivened by his dad Zeus requested to have Mitas changed into a drop of water thus he swallows his pregnant spouse never allowing her to conceive an offspring in the wake of gulping his better half Zeus begins to epitomize the endowments of goddess meatus he is currently a considerably more savvy reasonable and less imprudent God time proceeds onward and the ground-breaking God begins to feel excruciating cerebral pains his head begins to develop in an alarming manner Zeus orders somebody to open his head and evacuate the reason for such torment Hephaestus the divine force of the produces utilizes a hatchet to open a gap in the head of Zeus from the divine beings gap in the head rises Athena with her protective layer and weapons effectively a full-developed grown-up Zeus is pleased to bring forth such an exceptional animal who since she had the insight of her mom will turn into the goddess of intelligence she will likewise be viewed as the goddess of guarded wars and accordingly the conflicts against Ares the God of War would be unavoidable meatus remains in Zeus his stomach thus the prescience of the couple's subsequent child could never be satisfied Athena will introduce herself as a valiant unadulterated reasonable and erudite goddess thus she will be viewed as Zeus his preferred girl and many will regard her as the rifle beneficiary to Zeus Callisto was a delightful princess girl of like kay on the ruler of Arcadia her magnificence enchanted the two men and divine beings the young lady turned into an admirer of Zeus and the kid arcus was conceived from this association the goddess Hera Zeus' significant other in the wake of learning of one more selling out of her better half chose to rebuff her adversary Hera reviled Callisto and first began to show up on the youthful princesses delicate skin her fragile hands transformed into paws with sharp paws the princess attempted to shout for help yet just a terrifying wail came out of her mouth Callisto had been changed into an incredible bear the bear meandered through the woods the princess remained on her two paws and asked Zeus to have her unique shape back however Zeus would not like to threaten his better half and failed to help Callisto the bear was presently wandering on the banks of the woodland alongside where she lived and avoided every other person she watched her companions and family members go on with their lives in spite of the dread of being sniffed by chasing hounds she just took a chance with her life to see her child orcas develop the little arcus grew up accepting that one day he would see his mom again time spent and one day as the Great Bear meandered through the timberland she experienced a tracker who was her cherished child whom she had not found in a couple of years the mother overlooked she was a bear stood up and attempted to embrace her child he pondered to assault him and push his lance into the bear yet Zeus didn't permit such a disaster and mediated the god changed both mother and child into groups of stars the mother's star grouping got known by the name of Ursa Major and her child's group of stars was Ursa Minor yet the goddess Hera was incensed to see her opponent and her jerk child being respected in the skies and persuaded the ocean gods Poseidon sea and Thetis not to shield the star groupings of Callisto and her child hence the groups of stars of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor crossed the sky for the duration of the night without stowing away in the ocean waters for one single minute and still, at the end of the day Callisto's rapture would not lessen in this way she would go through forever with her child

👉👉👉more story

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