Greek moral stories ||Moirai: the sisters of fate || Greek mythology stories || greek gods moirai || Who are the three sisters of fate?

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Greek moral stories ||Moirai: the sisters of fate || Greek mythology stories || greek gods moirai || Who are the three sisters of fate?

           Moirai-The Sisters of Fate

Who are the three sisters of fate?

Who were the moirai?

What does moirai mean?

What do the fates symbolize?

moirai, moirai: the sisters of fate, greek mythology stories, mythology and fiction explained, the moirai, moirai: the goddess of destiny,themis, NYX, Zeus, Heracles, the god of war sisters of fate, the sisters of fate, sisters of destiny

                           (Greek Mythology Explained)


                               👉👉👉Clotho the spinner lack assists the alotta and atropos the inevitable three names that might not mean a whole lot to most people but these make up the three sisters of fate the mirai of Amelia if you want the Greek pronunciation the sisters were the children of Zeus and thermus which does explain their gift of prophecy they may not be the exact same thing as the Oracles but they played an important part in helping their mother decide the future of humanity there is some discussion however of NYX perhaps being the mother of the sisters but thermos seems to be the goddess that most poets agree on and they controlled what was known as the thread of life when man was created they began to spin this thread it would then be measured and cut which predicted someone's life from birth to death it followed all of the steps they took all the actions they made in their life and all the consequences that then followed it was essentially prophesying of every human life that was symbolized by pieces of thread once you reach the end of a thread that symbolizes the end of that individual's life and this was thought to be a very rigid system that could not be cheated nor changed unless you were Zeus of course his relationship with his daughters meant that he could extend or shorten the life of his allies and enemies the Murray themselves would rarely intervene in human affairs nor did they choose who died and how humans still had the freedom to influence the details of their own death the sisters of fate just knew when someone's time had come to an end they were often accompanied by several deities and 
                                      👉👉👉spirits and using the laws governed by their mother thermus they would assign the appropriate entity to ones death if you were destined to die a gruesome death in battle then they would send the karez if you committed crimes against humanity and the gods then they would ensure that the earrin knees were dispatched to inflict the correct punishment and the same can be said for birth as they were accompanied by Ellie Thea one of the goddesses of labor and childbirth in terms of appearance they can sometimes appear as young women but most of the time they were more your stereotypical Crone's old ugly hags who would be seen measuring and cutting the threads of life sometimes all three sisters were shown with scepters and crowns and other times they had varying trinkets from scales and sundials to wax tablets and scrolls they were mentioned by numerous poets and do feature in several stories outside of their main duties they took part in the war between the Giants and the gods even killing two giants known as soon and Agrius with the bronze maces now this is something that I definitely found rather amusing the image of three elderly women who could barely walk beaten Giants to death with maces that

                                   👉👉👉they could probably just about carry there is also some mention of the Mariah in relation to typhoon when Zeus was in pursuit of - the Mariah deceived him by offering him fruit that would make him stronger the fruit of course had no effect and did nothing but by Zeus the time needed to find - one of the few times that we see the Mariah intervene in the affair of mortals is at the command of Hera who orders them to stop Heracles being born with aid from ilithyia Heracles his mother Alka Mina is stuck in an endless birthing process however alchemy NIH's Midwife Galan theas visits the Mariah telling him that it is the will of Zeus that Heracles must be born this distracted them long enough for Heracles to be born but the Midwife would pay quite a steep price for deceiving the gods the sisters transformed her into a weasel for her deceit but this wouldn't be the end of the punishment in order to meet she would have to be mounted through the ears and she would give birth through her throat essentially vomiting out children quietly grotesque punishment and one which shows the Mirai should not be trifled with but I guess you also have to give it to them for creativity it also wasn't all bad for the Midwife turned weasel as the goddess Hecate took pity on her and made her one of her sacred followers the Mariah this interesting combination of prophecy in life and death they have an extremely important role that other deities may not necessarily be trusted to perform and for the most part they do remain impartial .


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