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              Pandora's box - Revisiting the Myth

What is the myth of Pandora's box?
 Where is Pandora's box?
Why did Zeus want revenge against humans?
Which female Greek God brought evil into the world?

                                     (Greek Mythology Explained)


                                     ðŸ‘‰ðŸ‘‰ðŸ‘‰   you hello sir I have a special delivery for you I didn't order anything if you could just confirm your name for me so I assure you this process will be very speedy fantastic mr. a now if you could please sign here here and here the package is all yours sir marvelous sir here is your box now whatever you do the box must never be opened why not I do not know sir why I am just your simple ordinary delivery man and the instructions that came with the Box said do not open ever well do you know who sent it no I'm afraid I do not sir I have no idea who sent it nor what's inside but the message clearly says do not open I'd probably open it but I am your ordinary very average nosy delivery man so don't let me sway your decision sir I mean what's the worst that can happen you open the box and there's nothing inside or maybe your niche every known plague into evil upon mankind bringing it to the brink of destruction and causing an eternity of suffering for countless generations that follow me it's probably just a pair of keys or maybe it's filled of jewelry or better yet chocolate I've heard humans do love that what are you talking about anyway I must be leaving you now sir there are far more packages of messages to deliver and there's a reason I've won best delivery man 2460 seven times in a row but before I go I believe I was supposed to warn you about a cat named curiosity history repeating itself and some kind of panda I don't really remember but hopefully that helps you sir I wish you the best of luck sir hopefully your fate is not as bad as the last one what was that I said have a wonderful day because it may be your last so would you open the box if the choice was yours Pandora's box is a video that I covered quite a while back when the channel was still fairly new and it's one of those blog that I wasn't entirely happy with because I missed some talking points and I definitely could have made it more interesting which is why we're covering it again today at this point I'd like to think that most of us are at least familiar with the name Pandora and the first human woman who opened the said box and cursed humanity forever sounds dramatic I know and that's because it is and I'd expect nothing else from Greek mythology if I'm being honest for those unfamiliar of the story there's no need to worry because we will recap it once more before discussing it any further now before the YouTube historical and mythological Nobel prize-winning experts come out of the woodwork to tell me it was now tables you buffoon it was a pit house jar you stupid man that is true Pandora's box did start off as a job a piss jar to be precise but over the years due to the many different versions of the story

                                           ðŸ‘‰ðŸ‘‰ðŸ‘‰somewhere along the line it got lost in translation and became a box which in a more modern context is certainly more alluring than a jar no get it a lie I want to know what was in the jar no one cares what was in the jar because boxes are just better end of discussion anyway the story begins with pretty much everybody's favorite god Zeus and the two Titan brothers Prometheus and Epimetheus Prometheus who created man and Epimetheus who created the animals and gave them all of their positive traits but when it was man's turn Epimetheus had run out of traits to give Zeus not being the biggest fan of Prometheus creation was intrigued to see how mankind survive or more so excited at the prospect of their inevitable demise Prometheus however was not ready to watch his creations suffer and so he stole fire from Olympus and gave it to man who would use it to thrive to Zeus this was not only cheating but a challenge and so rather than simply just taking fire away he hatched an elaborate plan of revenge against Prometheus and his creation similar to how Prometheus created man from clay Zeus would order Hephaestus to mold Pandora the first woman to really bring Pandora to life and to build somewhat of a personality each of the gods and goddesses bestowed a gift upon her from Athena she was given the gift of craftsmanship needlework and weaving from Aphrodite she was given beauty and the ability to feel a range of emotion and from her me she was given craftiness and guile and he would also named her Pandora it then fell to Zeus to give her her final two gifts curiosity and a mysterious box that she was told never to open and once she was ready Zeus would send for Hermes to deliver Pandora to Epimetheus as his bride-to-be despite Prometheus warning his brother to never accept a gift from Zeus Epimetheus ignored his brother and married Pandora anyway what then follow the marriage is what we can only assume as a period of calm as Zeus is plan of revenge was long-term as each day passed Pandora grew more and more curious as to what was inside the box until where she could wait no longer and on that very day she gave in to the curiosity that Zeus had given her and opened the box inside of the box Zeus had placed every known evil and Pandora had just unleashed greed suffering illness and hardship upon humanity Prometheus creation of man would be brought to the brink of destruction Pandora who felt an immense a guilt for what she had done opened the box one last time in the hope that there was something good inside and there was one last thing inside hope it was this hope they gave humanity the strength to endure their hardships and continue surviving now there are some elements to this story that I noticed in the previous video that some people missed or failed to understand I think the most common being Zeus is intent and the comment I saw very often was along the lines of why woods us give Pandora a box that she was never allowed to open why would he give her curiosity and then


                                          👉👉a mysterious box Zeus may have told Pandora to never opened the box but make no mistake he always intended and planned for the Box to be opened if you tell a child or even an adult in most cases not to do something without then explaining why they shouldn't most of the time they will give in to their curiosity and they will do that very thing you told them not to when Prometheus stole the fire from Olympus Zeus could have easily destroyed him and his creation right there and then instead Zeus wanted some kind of revenge the kind of revenge that he found amusing the kind that was filled of irony and so he played the long game he had something created which in this case was a woman the counterpart to Prometheus his creation and it would be this creation that he intended to destroy mankind or at least caused a great amount of suffering so to answer the question why would soos give Pandora a box and tell her not to open it because I guess he felt like it would be a fun way to watch humanity suffer and to teach Prometheus a lesson even though he would be punished again later the next question I wanted to answer was why would Zeus place hope in the box if he just wanted to destroy humanity anyway this hope can be seen as a good thing but it's much more likely that it was intended as false hope and the constant belief that despite all this suffering one day things will get better when in reality he never intended them to you can also argue that Zeus never wanted to entirely destroy humanity and so hope was him being merciful and there are several poets who interpret the story in this way but given the fact that everything inside the box was evil and the box itself was meant for revenge it certainly feels like Zeus had the last laugh the story of Pandora's Box has been covered by almost every poet of a note throughout the years the organist of Megara and the author Babri Estelle of a rather different story whether jar was filled of blessings as opposed to evil this jar however would not be opened by Pandora instead it was an unnamed man who would open the jar out of curiosity releasing all of the blessings which would then be lost to humanity this version of the story also heavily influenced the Aesop's fables where Zeus is described as gathering all of the good things and placing them in a jar when humanity then opened the jar all of the good things flew back up to the heavens and only one thing remained hope promising that one day it will bestow upon us everything that had been lost one of the reasons that a sub gives in terms of why bad things happen to us is because they are all around us whereas the good things must descend from heaven and that is why they are much more rare as well as an unnamed man it was also believed the jar may have been opened by Pandora's husband so there are several versions of the story where the blame isn't placed on Pandora some of you may have also noticed the similarities with the biblical story of Adam and Eve the individuals involved may differ but there is the recurring theme of curiosity being humanity's downfall as well as the inability to follow a basic command without it being explained hopefully this blog has been a more comprehensive breakdown of the story than the previous blog and hopefully any unanswered and lingering questions now have been answered if they still haven't or you just like to share your thoughts with me then please do so in the comments below as always I've been your host mythology and fiction explained stop calling it a box you stupid man stop calling it a box you stupid man stop calling it a box you stupid buffoon

                           ðŸ‘‰ðŸ‘‰ðŸ‘‰  More Story


Was Pandora punished for opening the box?
Why is hope in Pandora's Box?
How did Pandora feel when she opened the box?
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