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Sleipnir || the birth of Sleipnir the best horse of all || Norse mythology Sleipnir || Norse mythology explained || Who is the father of Sleipnir?

    The Birth of Sleipnir The Best Horse of All

Why did Loki give birth to a horse?
Why does Sleipnir have 8 legs?
Who is the father of Sleipnir?
Is Sleipnir Loki a child?

                                (Norse Myth Explained)


                                   ðŸ‘‰ðŸ‘‰ðŸ‘‰the only child of Loki that I've yet to cover in a blog is the eight-legged horse Sleipnir the son of Loki and the stallion svaðilfari a slate neared his most famous will be in the horse that Odin rode into battle during Ragnarok as well as whenever he ventured to the realm of Hell the horse is mentioned in both of the Eddas as well as in some of these sagas that followed it's also mentioned that he was the best of all horses which is a fairly vague statement but one can assume that it refers to he speed and loyalty now it may seem odd to say that Loki is sleeping his father because swaddle Fadi is a stallion a male horse so technically he has two fathers but the real question is how does a male yotan and a male horse have a child well loki transformed himself into a mare and then mated us fuddled fadi which in turn raises the question why would loki transform himself into a female to then have sex with a horse and give birth to another horse with eight legs so one day this unnamed builder arrives in Asgard and tells the gods that he can build them a huge wall to protect them from their enemies in exchange he asked for the goddess Freya's hand in marriage as well as the Sun and the moon so you know nothing major the gods discussed this offer and after some persuasion from Loki they decided to accept but only if the Builder could build the wall in three seasons the spring summer and autumn with no assistance from any other man


                            👉👉👉the Builder then only had one request that he could use his horse to help him this horse was the stallion svaðilfari sleeping his father as you may have guessed the gods accepted his request and it turns out that this is no ordinary stallion as the Builder began to make progress his efforts were doubled by his horse and was able to move twice the amount of rocks as his master making the impossible task of complete in the fortifications before winter quite possible with a few days left before the end of autumn the Builder was on track to finish and so the gods convened to discuss the issue they concluded that it was Loki's fault and if he did not find a way to stop the fortifications being built then he would be sentenced to a horrible death that night as the Builder and his horse continued working tirelessly a female horse appeared out of nowhere and swaddled fari began to give chase the mysterious horse was indeed Loki in disguise the Builder then spent the entire evening chasing after his horse meaning work on the fortification was delayed this gave the gods enough time to realize that the Builder was actually a yotan and upon this discovery all promises were broken and Thor was summoned Thor then does what he does best he took me on air and smashed the giant skull to pieces after an evening of being chased loki then gave birth to slave near so we can assume that at some point loki mated of the stallion to delay the fortifications and to save himself so sleep Neal was born because Loki got himself into a situation where turning into a horse and having sex with another horse seemed to be the best way out of it all of that said loki is fairly eccentric

                                                               ðŸ‘‰ðŸ‘‰ðŸ‘‰ more story

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