Who is the kraken in Greek mythology history-mythology and fiction explained

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Who is the kraken in Greek mythology history-mythology and fiction explained

                              WHo is the Kraken?

Why is it called the Kraken?

Who killed the Kraken?

What is the difference between an octopus and a Kraken?

What the Kraken looks like?

                           (mythology and fiction explained)


                            👉👉👉   in the very beginning there was nothing just an empty void then came chaos the first of all of primordial deities to appear in the great cosmos every god and goddess that features in greek mythology has somewhat descended from chaos and today we'll be taking a look at what many consider to be her first child nyx the goddess of night there are different stories and versions of greek mythology when NYX was considered to be the first primal to a deity assumed in the role of creator that we generally associated with chaos but we'll be focusing on her depiction there's a daughter of chaos today NYX was born at a time when the world as we know it didn't really exist her and her siblings Gaia Tartarus and Arabists were amongst the four first deities born from chaos that would shape the world with Nixon Eris being two of the earliest primordial deities we can assume that the world was shrouded in darkness Erebus himself after all was the personification of darkness and shadows this would however eventually change when Nixon irbaz partner together they produced aether and hemella aether beam light and her Mara be in day the exact opposite to their parents night and darkness depictions of NYX like many of the other primordial deities can vary drastically as many of them are thought to represent abstract or specific concepts NYX in her literal form would be the night that surrounds us in her physical form she was either shown as being an extremely beautiful woman dressed in black surrounded by a dark mist sometimes ride in a chariot or as a winged goddess with a halo made from a dark cloud NYX being one of the oldest deities in Greek mythology meant that she had numerous children including Thanatos the god of death Hypno's the god of sleep morose the god of doom Eris the goddess of strife nemesis the goddess of divine retribution the karez bring us a violent death the honorary that bringers of Dreams and in some cases she was even mother to the Moriah the three goddesses of fate NIC's and many of the other primordial deities were believed to reside in the depths of Tartarus a common belief was that during the day both Nix and Erebus would lay dormant in the darkest crevices of Tartarus and each night they would emerge hand-in-hand together as they blocked the light that was emitted by aether bringing darkness and in turn the night to

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                                👉👉👉the world the following morning himera just as her parents had done previously would emerge from Tartarus and sweep away the darkness leaving her mother and father to return the cycle meant that Nixon spent much time off her daughter as they were never in the same place for very long and it's likely that the ancient Greeks used the story of nix and her children as one of the first explanations of the night and day cycle this story did of course change when a us became the goddess of dawn and the roles of eighth and Ameri would be replaced by Helios and Apollo Nix however was never really replaced throughout Greek mythology and this could be because the ancient Greeks considered her to be extremely powerful and as a result held her in high regard regardless of how she was viewed Nix still doesn't really feature in many stories there are those that believe when Cronus castrated his father he did so in the cover of night and thus he was protected by the goddess but perhaps one of the most famous stories featuring Nix involves one of her children Hypno's was asked by Hera to place loose into a deep slumber so she could plot against him hypnose attempted to do as Hera asked but he wasn't powerful enough to keep Zeus asleep for very long and when Zeus awoke he pursued hypnose relentlessly fearing for his life he did the only thing that he knew would keep him safe and fled to his mother's cabin in Tartarus when Zeus eventually learned of where hypnose had gone he decided against pursuing that

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                                       👉👉👉 god any further for fear of anger and NYX in some variations it was actually Nix who found Zeus and persuaded him to stop the pursuit of his son even receiving an apology from Zeus Nyx's a goddess that many saw as a facilitator to some of our darkest desires and even most horrendous actions be it two lovers sneaking out to see Jeb under the cover of dusk or a murder being committed in the shadows of night many also saw Nix as a protector fugitives often looked and prayed towards Nix hope and shield grant them safe passage in the night she was a goddess extremely feared even by Zeus which is something that definitely doesn't happen too often in Greek mythology and I feel it raises an interesting point of discussion it's pretty common for people to say that they're afraid of the dark or the night but you'll also hear these same people tell you that it's not actually the darkness they're afraid of but rather what hides in the darkness the fear of uncertainty can make one feel helpless the gods and goddesses may not have actually been scared of Nix but rather the darkness she brings and what is concealed behind it whether you believe that Nix was the very first primordial deity or at least one of the earliest there's no denying that she was an extremely influential and powerful figure she was responsible for the very first notion of the night and day cycle and along with essentially creating the light and the day she gave birth to many children who performed the vital and influential roles what I personally find most interesting about Nix is that she's a goddess that many people are familiar with but she's never really given a defining set of characteristics we know that she was widely respected and feared but we don't know much else she's a goddess that you could interpret the way you'd like to you can choose to see her as the literal night that surrounds us or a powerful woman shrouded in darkness bringing the night to wherever she goes I'd love to know what you guys think Nix has got a select been requested to do a video about for a very long time so how do you feel about her now issue got us that you would have liked to have seen mentioned more or does the element of mystery and uncertainty surrounding Nix add to her character let me know in the comments below as always I've been your host mythology and fiction explained you

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