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Ladon: The Hundred Headed Serpent of Greek Mythology-Greek mythology stories-andromeda Greek mythology symbol


                  👉👉👉the creatures and monsters of Greek mythology is something that we've covered in some detail but there are some minor ones that are yet to have their own video so today's video will be on lad on the hundred-headed serpent also known as the Hesperian dragon some of you may recognize the name because Landon was the beast tossed by the goddess Hera with a garden the golden apples that grew in the garden of the Hesperides when Heracles came to collect the apples as part of his 12 labors he killed the serpent who would then be placed amongst the stars as the
 constellation Draco the dragon there are of course versions of this story where Heracles convinced the Titan atlas to collect the apples for him and then this timeline I guess we can assume that Ladin doesn't actually die but in the iteration where it is in fact slain Jason and the Argonauts come across it's still twitchy embody the very next day and they're told by the Hesperides that a man with a bow killed the snake that guards the tree and bought them grave sorrow this is interesting because there are accounts of Ladin being described as immortal but that doesn't necessarily mean that it cannot be slain the man of the bow was, of course, Heracles and the fact that he used his bow means that it would have taken the poisonous blood of the Hydra to kill Adam the Hesperides described in the death of Ladin as bringing them grave sorrow in a way gives us an insight into the
 relationship between them it gives us the idea that Ladon was intelligent enough to distinguish between the Hesperides and those trying to steal the apples from the garden and there are even some descriptions, while I don't, is able to speak and communicate in several different voices and tones so maybe it wasn't as wild as the Chimera or the Hydra but that certainly doesn't mean you could just walk into the garden and have a friendly conversation
 the Greek historian dia Doris actually interpreted Ladon as a human shepherd who guarded a flock of Golden Fleece?

                      👉👉👉sheep the sheep was said to have been a color unlike anything seen before and many trying to steal the flock for themselves but the Shepherd was able to fend them all off with a noticeable strength implying that Ladin may not have been entirely human
 Theodorus does also note then everyone is free to form their own opinion on this story as there are quite a few conflicting ideas the apples in the Sheep may not have been golden coins or treasure but they certainly would have fetched a fair price for anyone who obtained them in this entire notion of dragons and serpents guarding gold and things of value are actually something we see across numerous cultures all around the world most commonly it's described as the offspring of echidna and - which does make sense considering that they are the mother and father of monsters but in some conflicting accounts
 Madden's parents and siblings are said to represent the dangers of the sea with the word Ladon thought to mean strong flow in this case Ladon originates from where many of the other deities and creatures of the sea came from four seas and Seto borrowing the story of Heracles and Jason and his Argonauts we don't really see none anywhere else if you'd like to share your opinion on which story or version of laDawn that you prefer then feel free to do so in the comments below if you have enjoyed 

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