Dionysus The God of Wine-Festivity & Pleasure
(Greek Mythology Explained)

👉👉👉I start to sing of IV crown Dionysus the boisterous crying God unbelievable child of Zeus and superb Emily the rich head fairies gets him in their chest from theLord he's father and fostered and nurtured him carefully in the Dells of nyssa whereby the will of his father he grew up in a sweet-smelling cave being reckoned among the Immortals one of the few Olympians that features in a host of stories and seems to be ever-present in the background in some shape or form is Dionysus I got that I'm sure as a favorite of many he was seen as the god of wine pleasure festivity vegetation madness and wild frenzy and out of all of the gods in Greek mythology Dionysus appears to be one of the most fun to be around unless you're King but we'll get to that soon there are some of you who may be more familiar with his Roman iteration barkas who is almost identical to Dionysus with a few different stories here and there with all of that being said Dionysus is perhaps one of the most unique gods that we encounter in Greek mythology a God given birth to another God is fairly common a mortal woman given birth to a demigod is wasn't something we encounter quite often but a mortal woman giving birth to a fully fledged God was unheard of that is until Dionysus the stories centered around a mortal woman semele who was a priestess of zeus now in the form of an eagle zeus observed a Semele slaughtered a bull at his altar and then swam in a nearby river to wash away the blood from that moment on Zeus was instantly captivated and he would visit the priestess several more times before she eventually fell pregnant with his child as a gift to the mother of his child Zeus wore an oath from the River Styx to grants Emily anything she desired having learnt of this affair Zeus's wife Hera was extremely jealous of the pregnancy and decided that she would once again intervene she appeared to the young priestess as an old crone and began to plant the seeds of doubt a question induces divinity to the point was suddenly no longer believed the father of her child was Zeus but merely an imposter when Zeus eventually returned to semele she demanded to see him in his true form to prove his divinity

👉👉👉👉Zeus refused Cemil Eze request several times furthermore to was to see a God in their true form they would immediately burst into flames however Zeus didn't know that he would eventually have to grants Emily's request because of the oath he made when he did eventually appear to Semele just as he feared she was consumed by fire and the only thing that Zeus could rescue was the unborn child which he did by sewing him into his own thigh a few months later a boy was born and that boy was Dionysus many would then refer to the boy as the twice-born referring to the premature birth of his mother when she burst into flames and then later his actual birth from Zeus after he was born Dionysus would be raised by the satyr sight leanness and the nymphs of Mount Nyssa Salinas himself was a very old deity who was heavily associated of winemaking and drunkenness so naturally these two became drinking partners and we can definitely see that Silas may have had quite a large influence in shaping Dionysus into the God that he would become there are definitely a host of different stories that attempt to explain the birth of Dionysus but this is the one I found most interesting now if there's one thing that we've learned about the goddess Hera it's that she's rather persistent after some time with Selena's Dionysus was then entrusted to his aunt you know the sister of Semele when Hera lot of the boys location she was furious that he had survived she drove in oh and her husband mad causing them to kill their own children and then each other Dionysus remained unharmed but now with no Guardians he would have to remain with Salinas for several more years it's very common for Dionysus to be depicted in two different ways either as a young long-haired man of quite a feminine look or an elder bearded God were much more masculine persona now as the poem at the start of the video may have suggested Dionysus was often seen wearing a crown made of ivy holding a pine cone staff and being accompanied by several say tears there have been several paintings and mosaics of Dionysus been accompanied by a leopard which was one of his sacred animals the others been a serpent in a ball Dionysus been a God of vegetation and wine Minda there were several plants that he considers sacred these of course being the grapevine bindweed and IV when Dionysus was still a young boy being raised by the nymphs of Mount Nyssa he was attacked by the king of Thrace like Lagos when they attempted to flee the King took his axe and struck down the nymph that was responsible for nurse in Dionysus protected by the rest of the nymphs they lept into the sea well they would be given refuge but they got a status the mother of Achilles after such an attack on one of the sons of Zeus like August was driven into a state of madness as a punishment
👉👉👉where he would kill his own wife in the Sun he then took his axe and chopped off his own feet before eventually killing himself as gruesome as that fate may sound there are many other variations regarding how the king was punished another story he was wrapped in strangling vines and then taken to the underworld where he would be tormented for eternity there is a retelling of this story where Dionysus traveled to Thrace when he was grown teaching the people the art of wine makin like August being angered at the drunken mess his people had become attacked Dionysus and was killed as a result but like August wouldn't be the only king that Dionysus had some trouble with when Pentheus became the king of Thebes the first thing he did was ban the worship of Dionysus who also happened to be his cousin Dionysus of course did not take too kindly to this and so he caused the women of Thebes so into a frenzy of anger and sexual activity Pentheus eventually captured Dionysus assuming he was just the follow of the God and imprisoned him however Dionysus was able to convince the king to dress as a woman and travel to mount cithaeron to see what had happened to his women once he had arrived Pentheus climbed the tallest tree he could find in order to see what the women were doing in Nomad and state the woman mistook the king for wild-animal pulling him off the tree and tearing him apart limb from limb ironically the first of these women to attack Pentheus was his own mother who only realized what she had done upon returning to the city so if there's one thing that we've learned from these two stories if you're a king who decides to anger Dionysus it's probably

👉👉👉the last thing that you ever do some of you may remember in my video on her Festus that when he was summoned by Zeus to Olympus he declined and none of the other gods could convince him to change his mind it was then Dionysus who got her Festus so drunk that he was able to put him on the back of a donkey and escort him to his father now when it comes to women it's fairly reasonable to assume that Dionysus had several lovers with him essentially being the party and a more Greek mythology but he did choose to marry one after he killed the Minotaur Theseus self from Crete were the two daughters of King Minos Theseus eventually decided that he no longer wished to marry Ariadne and so he abandoned her on the island of Naxos where she would be found by Dionysus who fell in love of the princess and decided that she would be the woman he would marry in their union the two had many children but ariadne's life wasn't exactly the easiest officer she gave birth of Dionysus children soon after giving birth Ariadne would be killed either by the goddess Artemis or the hero Perseus but she wouldn't remain in the underworld for long which does lead us to our next story after losing his wife Dionysus traveled to the underworld where he would face both Thanatos and Hades convincing them both to allow him to bring back Ariadne and his mother Semele taking them both to Olympus where they were granted immortality it was actually later believed that Dionysus was one of the few Olympians with the power to bring back to see some mortals from the underworld and restored him to life when Dionysus was looking for Ariadne and his mother in the underworld he came across a shepherd known as palamas who helped guide Dionysus and as a reward the shepherd only wished Dionysus to be his lover sadly the shepherd died before Dionysus could honor his pledge so in order to keep his promise he fashioned a phallus from an olive branch and placed it on the Shepherd's tomb I'm not exactly sure how a penis shaped Olive Branch meant that he kept his promise but I guess you have to give it to Dionysus for creativity on this one when he was traveling through the Aegean Sea and Dionysus was captured by a group of pirates who attempted to sell him into slavery and this point Dionysus was still fairly young but he took his staff and he was able to transform most of these pirates into dolphins in this particular Roman mosaic it's fairly difficult to see Dionysus because of the damage that occurred over the years but we do see the pirates jump in overboard as they're being transformed we also see some of the nymphs that were raised in Dionysus along with a very plump look in Selenas the final story we'll be covering is the story of King Midas when Dionysus and silliness were drinking in Midas's Kingdom the two overindulged and became separated when king midas found salinas he offered him his hospitality and sent him back to Dionysus out of gratitude Dionysus offered the king any wish of his choice against the gods best advice Midas requested to be able to turn anything into gold when - no longer wanted the gift it was Dionysus to help the in return everything he touched back to normal Dionysius is one of the most respected and valued God's in the entire Greek pantheon many saw him as some kind of Roman hero because he did spend most of his life travelling teaching the art of winemaking helping those in need and just overall having a great time as Dionysus traveled his cult following only grew larger and larger which is why there is so much classical art devoted towards the God I'm sure there's a ton of stuff that I haven't mentioned so if there's anything about Dionysus you'd like to share with me then please do some of the comments
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