who is Cthulhu god of Greek mythology story || what kind of god is Cthulhu-is Cthulhu a male or female?

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who is Cthulhu god of Greek mythology story || what kind of god is Cthulhu-is Cthulhu a male or female?

   Who is Cthulhu god of Greek                              mythology 


                             Exploring the Cthulhu Mythos)


                                                     😀 as we begin our journey into the Cthulhu Mythos in the works of HP Lovecraft I was immediately faced of a dilemma the dilemma of where I should begin but after some contemplation there was only one real answer with the great sleeper himself the great dreamer of early a the great Cthulhu now having an entire mythos named after him you'd expect Cthulhu to heavily feature in numerous works of Lovecraft but that isn't the case cathedrals or the appearance of any your own notes was of course in the Call of Cthulhu the story itself is told from varying accounts and the style is quite similar to something you'd expect from a documentary using the letters and manuscripts of several characters it is from the Norwegian sailor Gustav Johansson that we are provided of a first-hand account of his terrifying encounter with Cthulhu with your Hansen and the rest of his crew awaking Cthulhu from his slumber realizing the mistake they had made they attempted to flee but many of them are slaughtered in the process eventually Johansson and the rest of the crew decide that they have to face the monster head-on Ramen airboat straight into Cthulhu at first this appear to have worked spitting Cthulhu's head open however upon seeing the great old one regenerate and begin to reform they realized that this was a beast unlike any they had encountered previously and decided it were best to evacuate new Hansen survived long enough for his accounts for the terrifying events that took place that day to be found and arguably this is where our fascination with Cthulhu began Lovecraft only mentioned Cthulhu in the great old ones in passing he created a very loose Pantheon consistent of ancient deities that were not from our world it wasn't until the later years when writers such as August Derleth Robert E Howard Neil Gaiman Robert Bloch and a host of others really began to develop the ideas that Lovecraft had introduced the name cthulhu's beliefs have derived from the classical Greek word cathodic meaning subterranean which refers to something that exists under the Earth's surface being secret and concealed which is a description of its Cthulhu quite well considering he could be found sleeping deep beneath the Pacific Ocean as I mentioned in my previous video about Lovecraft Cthulhu was actually meant to be pronounced in an alien tongue Lovecraft himself used several different pronunciations over the years was the most common being claw all but as you can imagine talking in an alien tongue just isn't very practical especially when it sounds like you're about to cough up a fur ball so the pronunciation that is widely accepted and used today is of course Cthulhu in the years of followed La Crosse parson there were dozens of authors that included Cthulhu in their stories and a 10 just for one backstory to consider cannon doesn't really work there were numerous authors have described Cthulhu in a variety of different ways with his personality motives and appearance varying in their own unique manner and to me that's what makes

                                                        😀   the work of Lovecraft LaRose that followed so great we have the Space Foundation that's been laid by Lovecraft but all of these characters can be interpreted in the way you see best so I guess what I'll be discussing is the few things that people mostly agree on we know that the great old ones are described as coming from the Stars but what exactly does that mean Cthulhu whose beliefs have been born on the planet of all located in the 23rd nebula he is part of an alien race known as the great old ones the Cthulhu was never really considered a God like the rest of them he was instead considered a priest with one of his many titles being Cthulhu high priests of the great old ones Cthulhu is described by Lovecraft has been neither male or female though in the later years the sentiment emerged that he was the brother and father of himself as he impregnates his daughter Cthulhu Cthulhu is referred to as a female so because of this I'll be referring to Cthulhu as a he for the rest of the video Cthulhu was a child of nug and yep making his grandparents yokes are Thoth and shebna Grove meaning his great grandparent was as a thot Cthulhu did have numerous children and when traveling to the planet of zoth he came across edia whom he would mate with creating for children Gitana thora the dark golden the firstborn of Cthulhu yoke saga the second son zoth amok the third son and Casilla the secret one the daughter toss will regenerate in her father should he ever be slain accompanying Cthulhu and his children as they traveled the universe was the star spawn of Cthulhu a shape-shifting alien race that resembled Cthulhu there were much smaller and science whether these beings were the actual spawn of Cthulhu or just an alien species that was similar in appearance that chose to worship the priest is unknown when Cthulhu and his followers arrived on earth they built the great city of early a a city built of enormous emerald stones and statues that honored the great Cthulhu a city that was often referred to as the great corpse city of early a not long after arriving they encountered an alien species known as the elder ones or the elder things which had colonized and lived on earth for over a billion years the elder ones in the star spawn of Cthulhu went to war and despite their numerous conflicts they eventually agreed to live in peace together Cthulhu and his star spawn would have reign over the newly formed land masses and they Alda wanted all the ancient land masses around the regions of Antarctica who eventually fell into a deep slumber and watched over human civilization as they advanced and developed over the years he did however maintain contact of humankind through their dreams and slowly began to create the cult of Cthulhu the great city of earlier would eventually sink into the depths of the sea for reasons that many have speculated about ranging from alien attacks to natural disaster Cthulhu and his children remain trapped waiting for a time when the ancient city would resurface

                            😀 the cult of Cthulhu were left waitin for the sunken city of earlier to rise and for the great old ones and mankind to finally become one with so many deities that featured in his mythos and a bunch that came before Cthulhu why exactly is Cthulhu the most well known to us and why does he have an entire mythos named after him I've yet to mention the appearance of Cthulhu and that's because I feel Cthulhu's appearance is one of the main reasons that he became so popular many of the deities are featuring a Cthulhu Mythos often appear as a combination of tentacles eyeballs and bubbling goo and to be honest half the time it's quite difficult to distinguish between the deities this is an issue that we don't have of Cthulhu despite the fact that he features in tons of stories from all sorts of universes and time periods his appearance remains extremely recognizable in the Call of Cthulhu he's described as being a monster with a vague anthropoid outline and that boid meaning it somewhat resembles an ape or a human his head was that of an octopus with a host of tentacles acting as feelers he had claws on each hand and each foot with a pair of very basic wings that didn't look like they were capable of flight the main defining feature of Cthulhu is the fact that he just looks like a giant octopus man with tentacles around in his mouth and no I'm not referring to Davy Jones the autistic interpretations of Cthulhu vary as much as the stories he features in the weather he appears as a giant statue or a cartoon character he remains very easy to tell that what you are looking at is in fact Cthulhu now for anything like me you may not be a huge fan of the ocean or more specifically what we cannot see in the depths below the frost work is based of the fear of the unknown the fear of these unknown powerful beings that we are unaware of if you combine this fear with a really existent fear that we have such as what lies beneath the ocean you now have a fear that is familiar but yet still unknown making it easier to understand and relate to which is exactly what we have of Cthulhu many would regard a monster such as Cthulhu as innately evil but he's a being that we cannot truly comprehend a being whose motives and ethics we will never understand he is neither good nor bad the roms have good and bad.

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