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Narcissus GOD : echo & narcissus Greek stories And Greek mythology stories explained-What is the meaning of the Echo and Narcissus?

               Narcissus-Echo & Narcissus GOD

How did the Echo and Narcissus die?

What is the meaning of the Echo and Narcissus?

Is the Echo and Narcissus Greek or Roman?

Who was in love with Narcissus?

narcissus, echo, echo & narcissus, greek mythology, mythology & fiction explained., tragic love story, greek tragedy, greek stories, greek mythology stories, greek mythology explained

                             (Greek Mythology Explained)


                                                                           ðŸ‘‰ðŸ‘‰ðŸ‘‰narcissism the excessive interest or admiration for oneself and ones physical appearance there's nothing wrong with looking in the mirror and being happy or proud with what you see but I think we can all agree that being a narcissist isn't great if you've ever wondered where the term came from or in this case who the term came from the answer is narcissus a relatively minor figure in Greek mythology it's also the name of a specific type of daffodil we don't really know if the flower was named after the myth or the myth after the flower but his mother also shares her name with a flower so there is a connection there narcissus himself was a young hunter from the town of thespia in the region of Beau Asia which pretty much just means central Greece the son of a river god and a nymph he was widely celebrated across Greece for his beauty in the works of hygiene as he's described as one of the most beautiful young men along with the likes of Adonis Ganymede and hermaphrodite asst so naturally he had many suitors both male and female however narcissus as I'm sure you've gathered was a bit of a narcissist he was incapable of feeling love for anyone except himself in his eyes no one could match his beauty so how could he possibly fall in love the problem of this approach is you're going to reject a lot of people and those people are gonna be upset so when they start praying to the gods to spite


                                                    👉👉👉you that's when you run into trouble and that is what happened to narcissus there are two main stories that involve a spurned lover the most recognizable is the story of echo and narcissus which is detailed in book three of Ovid's metamorphoses this story involves a mountain nymph named echo who as her name would suggest could only echo back the last thing that was said to her however she wasn't born this way Zeus ordered echo to help him hide one of his affairs from his wife Hera but when she eventually found out as she always does echo punished for the role she played because she lied Hera took away her ability to speak she could only repeat back the last thing that was said to her just like an echo one day when wandering through the forest she came across narcissus and fell instantly in love to not make her presence known she followed him from a distance but when he heard the snapping of branches he turned and called out who's there she could only repeat back what he said and narcissus took this as his voice echoing through the forest and continued on his way the longer echo followed the more her heart swelled until she could hide no longer she revealed herself and placed her arms around narcissus and this is where in most love stories they kiss and embrace and blah blah blah not in this story he removed her arm and told her to get out of his sight he could never love anyone like her or more accurately he could never love anyone who wasn't himself she would then spend the rest of her life in those woods alone and heartbroken until she just faded away and the only thing that was left was the sound of an echo the goddess nemesis had been observing narcissus and found his behavior to be questionable once she had heard of what happened to echo she decided it was time that this behavior was finally punished one morning when narcissus was out hunting he saw something in the distance that caught his eye this was nemesis luring him to a pool of water thirsty from the hunt he knelt down to take a drink in that pool of water he saw the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen and this time it was narcissus who fell in love instantly what he was looking at of course was his own reflection but to him it was an entirely different person he was so taken aback that he couldn't bring himself to leave he gazed endlessly at his own reflection until he realized this love could never be reciprocated it's at this point some say he finally understood what it felt like to love someone who could never love you back in his shame and despair he killed himself his blood pooling and forming a white and gold flower now there are numerous endings to this story in Ovid version he finally feels the burning passion that comes of love and he just melts away leaving only a flower in his place in one version he simply dies of thirst despite that can straight into a pool of water fearing that if he moved the image in front of him would disappear forever he just remains still until he dies of thirst and again he turns into a flower there's also another version where his punishment is to stare eternally into that pool of water the nymph seeing him as they strode past everyday eventually took pity and transformed him into the narcissus flower the second story comes from a method Rafa called Conan his story instead involves a young man named ananias who just like many before him made the same mistake of falling in love of narcissus in this case narcissus was harsher than usual he gave the young boy a sword and told him to remove himself from his sight the young boy upset and heartbroken took things a step further using the sword to kill himself in front of narcissus this didn't really have the design defect as narcissus didn't seem to care and just went back to hunting this however would not be the end of ominous his role in this story in his dying breath he called out to nemesis to give narcissus a taste of his own medicine to feel the same pain that he caused


                            the others the next part of this story is essentially the same nemesis lures him to a pool of water where he gazes endlessly at his own reflection he then takes his own life as the object of his obsession is unattainable this variation of the ending makes more sense in this story than in the previous because ammonius died in the exact same way his dying wish was for narcissus to feel the same pain and he does so there is something poetic about the two dying in the same fashion there is another variation to this story that came a few hundred years later where narcissus falls in love with his twin sister at the time he didn't know who she was but after she learns of their relation she doesn't feel the same not being able to deal with this unrequited love he disappears and the only thing they can find is a flower the reason the roman version is the most popular version of this story is because the ancient Greeks were very superstitious especially when it came to looking at their own reflections for long periods of time believing it was bad luck and could even lead to death so when you take that into account this story does make a bit more sense and you can understand why it may not have been their favorite the Romans on the flip side rather enjoyed this story and many Renaissance artists took to create him portraits and sculptures of narcissus the most famous being narcissus painted by Caravaggio in the 16th century which depicts a young man staring at his reflection by the river we don't really know for sure why the Romans enjoyed this story as much as


                                                👉👉👉they did but it may be because this story serves as a warning to those who valued vanity possessions and self-preservation over the needs of the many before we finish with the morals and themes of this story it's important to note that the Greek and Roman versions do have similarities but they also do have some differences that may or may not show a difference in culture I've not really seen too much discussion comparing these two stories so I can only offer you my own thoughts and observation now obviously one of these stories is about a man being rejected and the other a woman but the real difference is in how they react to the rejection when Ecco made her feelings known she just accepted it and went on to live a sad and lonely existence she didn't harbor any ill feelings towards narcissus and nemesis acted of her own accord when it came to his punishment in the Greek version M Aeneas does the exact opposite when his approaches are rejected he doesn't walk away if Ecco chose a slow and quiet death than ammonius chose to go out in a blaze of salty glory killing himself and praying to the gods for vengeance the Roman approach is tame and pragmatic if you're wrong by someone then there will eventually be justice from those in power the other approach is emotional and driven by revenge which isn't a huge surprise when it comes to Greek mythology many of its stories feature individuals seeking revenge and taking situations into their own hands in this case that was persuading nemesis to intervene where normally she may not have the morals and themes remain the same regardless of the many different versions on a base level it's a clear warning to those obsessed of vanity there's more to the world than what you see in the mirror you may lose sight of the bigger picture if you allow your vanity to consume you it's also a reminder to be weary of the effects your actions may have on others narcissus shows his suitors no respect with not much thought to how they may feel after being rejected he only comes to this realization when he's put in the same position the most overlooked lesson and the theme that can be taken away from this story is the emotional immaturity of youth it's easy to sit here and say well he should have known better but narcissus is always described as a youth which means he was in his mid-teens an age where you're likely to do an incredible amount of stupid things because you're still maturing being somewhat selfish

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narcissus, echo, echo & narcissus, greek mythology, mythology & fiction explained., tragic love story, greek tragedy, greek stories, greek mythology stories, greek mythology explained

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