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The dreamlands exploring the cthulhu mythos || what are the dreamlands? || exploring the Cthulhu mythos: mythos locations || mythology and fiction explained


    The dreamlands greek mythology        


Where did the great old ones come from?

Where is Kadath?

Who imprisoned the Great Old Ones?

Who is the green god?

                               (Exploring the Cthulhu Mythos)


                        👉👉👉we've not really discussed many of the locations found within the Cthulhu Mythos and there are some quite interesting and intriguing ideas the topic of this video is the Dreamlands an alternative universe that can only be accessed through one the streams the Dreamlands mirror our very own universe in almost every aspect especially in terms of geographical locations on earth and how the universe and planets around us are arranged the main difference between the two universes is in the way that time works what feels like years in the Dreamlands can be little more than a single night when awake the Dreamlands also contains civilizations and creatures such as the moon beasts these zoogs and the googs which not only sound like they were made up by a child but also don't appear in the wake in realm Lovecraft makes reference to the Dreamlands in a very dozen of his stories which have come to be known as the dream cycle with the first been a story he wrote in 1918 titled Polaris this story features an unnamed narrator who is continuously dreaming of a city under siege eventually the narrator finds himself transported to the city known as olive though in physical form as one of its inhabitants the city is breached by invaders and the narrator is sent to the watchtower to signal that the city is under attack when he gets to the top he hears a strange rhyme that he can't quite understand and in trying to decipher it he falls asleep and wakes up back in his house the narrator is convinced that this reality is in fact a dream that he can't wake from meaning that he has failed the city this idea of a dream inside of a dream and not knowing which reality is real is even more trippy and Lovecraft's work as the dream lands our physical plane that one can travel too similar to astral projection entering the dream land however isn't as easy as just falling asleep once in a deep slumber the dreamer must find a peculiar looking staircase called the seventy steps of light slumber this set of stairs then takes


                            👉👉👉you to the cavern of flame where you will be judged by the gatekeepers gnashed and commands are these two addressed as Egyptian priests and ultimately they have the last safe you may enter some consider these two to be gods but to most they are merely just priests who serve the great old ones if they do decide that a dreamer is worthy then they can be asked anything about the dream lands as they possess a vast amount of knowledge the dreamer then encounters the 700 steps of deep slumber which lead to the enchanted wood if all of these stages have been completed then the dreamers leave their physical body safely there are those however that belief some of this process can be avoided though it isn't recommended as this can lead to what is called a dream death meaning one's dream self dies and they can never return to the dream lands in some cases this can also cause a great shock to one's corporeal body the same can be said for waking someone up from their dream as well as potentially harming their physical body their dream self disappears and they have no memory of what they've seen or experienced the dream lands can also be entered physically but it makes death a permanent reality there are some benefits to enter in the dreamland in this way and they include being able to stay as long as you like or as normally you would have to leave when you wake up you can also have an extended lifespan equal to that of the dream lands natives now whether that's worth the risk of a permanent death is solely down to the individual the dream lands that are referred to by Lovecraft and other authors are accessible to humans mainly by their dreams but other civilizations and planets have their own dream lands traveling between these lands is possible it's just very difficult all of the dream ins are ruled by a set of deities known as the great ones or the other ones not to be confused with the great old ones or


                                               ðŸ‘‰ðŸ‘‰ðŸ‘‰the outer gods who have next and no interest in the dream lands the great ones can be wounded deceived and seduced by mortals so they aren't really what you'd expect from gods even at times been referred to as the weak gods of Earth they are however protected by nian Arthur Thep who is also their messenger a job that he surely despises because protect and the great ones must seem like babysitting children now we can divide the Dreamlands into four continental regions and six places of note the four continents are named after each cardinal direction the north is a cold mountainous terrain inhabited by man-eating spiders and say tear like creatures called the men of Leng the great ones are also said to live in the most northern peaks in their Castle Kadath the lands in the east are the least inhabited of all four they are however home to the greatest dream of all King kuranes who created the entire city of celephaïs zhh in a dream beyond this city are the forbidden lands which as the name suggests are a dangerous place that no dreamer should ever pass through the West is the most well known region because it is where new arrivals emerge from these steps of deep slumber on the western coast you have the largest city of the Dreamlands the port of diethylene further along you have the jungle city known as clan F and the desert trading capital of Yannick along the border joining the South you have the ruins of Sarnath and the enchanted wood the home of the Zhuge for those of you that love cats there is also the city of alpha where no cat is allowed to be slain the south contains the island of ori app but much of the south is referred to as the fantastic realms because it contains horrors and wonders that one can never truly comprehend beneath the entirety of the Dreamlands you have what is considered the underworld a series of subterranean crypts and tunnels inhabited by the gags and the ghouls the final place of note is the moon which is home to the moon beasts who serve nyan Arthur tip the Dreamlands are definitely an interesting concept especially if you enjoy ideas such as parallel universes and astral projection let me know how you feel about the dream lands

                       ðŸ‘‰ðŸ‘‰  more story
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