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                                   Who is Geras?

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                    (Exploring the Lore In Mortal Kombat 11)

                                            👉👉👉  so lately I've been watching quite a bit of MORTAL KOMBAT 11 and a few people have asked me to cover the loss surrounding some of the newer characters and there are some new additions that I think are pretty cool so today's video will be on Gareth and there will be some spoilers so if you've not played through the game or watched the story I guess now is when you click off the video Garrus is one of this year's new additions to the MK franchise he was created by Kronecker who is referred to as a Titan and who serves as the antagonist to this year story his role in the story is as chrono cos main enforcer her right-hand man and given that she did create him Garris is able to control the sands of time similar to his master but to a lesser extent we know that he can go back in time but whether he can see the future and go forward in time is unclear he can also use the sands to form objects such as tables or walls to block and crush his enemies the sands can also take the shape of weapons such as hammers and swords and what looks like a golden Hellboy fist - well fist anyone who gets in his way in Garris can even turn himself into sand making him much harder to kill with that being said Garris can be killed as you would normally expect but the issue is he doesn't stay dead for very long because he can rewind time - before he died and
who-is-Geras-mythology-and-fiction-explainedwho is Ge mythology and fiction explained || Gerry ematic ||  mk11 sto
                                              👉👉👉he also seems to have some form of accelerated healing each time he's killed he comes back stronger and smarter with an immunity to whatever killed him very similar to what we see with doomsday in Superman we don't really know how old garrus is for sure considering the whole immortal lifespan but it is mentioned that he has died thousands of times and has witnessed many of the key events throughout history such as the Ice Age so he could be anywhere between thousands and millions of years old we do see Garris several times throughout the story first when he is decapitated by Koon Lau's razor hat only for his head to turn into sand and re materialize back on his body the next time we see him he's killed by one of Cassie cages grenades only to once again reform like nothing happened in the first place the last time we see Jairus is in his defeats to Raiden where he is bound by a chain with an anchor attached and thrown into the blood Seas he tells Raiden that it's essentially pointless because he cannot die from drowning either because this has already happened or because he plans on rewinding time most likely the first but the blood Seas are pretty much just a bottomless pit so he's condemned to sink forever with no chance of escaping without assistance a pretty good example of where he's in mortality can be used against him before I go I'll leave you a quick bit of mythological trivia garrus is actually the name of the god of old age in greek mythology and given the character's immortality and the fact that he was created by Kronecker a Titan whose name sounds awfully familiar to Cronus it certainly seems like a slight nod in the direction of some of these Greek stories overall I think Garris is an awesome looking character and he has a pretty interesting set of abilities even if he is just a time-traveling doomsday who can smash people through tables made of sand and fists them of his Infinity Gauntlet

                                  👉👉👉   more story
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