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Rhea : The Mother of Gods-Greek Mythology Rhea's Story-greek gods and goddesses

     Rhea: The Mother of Gods 

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What does Rhea mean in Greek?

Did Rhea die in Greek mythology?

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                                  (Greek Mythology Explained)


it's been quite a while since we last covered a Titan and there are plenty that we've yet to cover so today's video will be on the original goddess of childbirth Raya her name itself is believed to mean ease and flow
symbolizing the eternal flow of
generations and time which is further highlighted by her marriage to Cronus the Titan god of time as a deity heavily associated with motherhood and fertility some take the flow meaning from her name to symbolize the flow of birth waters milk and menstrual blood apologies for any graphic imagery now you'd assume the goddess of that time of the month would be rather cranky but the ease part of her name symbolizes her comforting nature rare being one of the original Titans meant that she was a child of Uranus and Gaia and once she married Cronus they became the god and goddess of the heavens the rulers of Olympus she's described as given birth to six splendid children who we know as the original Olympians
however, Uranus and I had prophesized that these children would one day overthrow their father
and so Cronus swallowed each one as they were born first it was Hestia then Demeter and Hera followed by Hades and Poseidon a rare of course had one last child that she would do her best to conceal from her husband with the help of her parents they sent her to the island of Crete where she would stay until she was ready to give birth to Zeus once born she would give Zeus to the nymphs of Mount Aegean where they would raise him deep inside of a cave Rhea's cult may not have been the biggest but she was worshiped in Arcadia and Crete in the birthplace of Zeus when we see Raya depicted she's often shown as a woman wearing a turret crown on a throne accompanied by a lion on each side of her this association of lions could also be because the Greeks identified her with the Anatolian goddess Cybele II like Raya she was also considered the mother of gods and at times seen riding a lion

                👉👉hence the greeks referring to her as Reyes I billy similar to many of the other Titans Ria's involvement in the overall Greek mythos is fairly limited but she does appear in a few stories when Persephone disappeared Demeter left Olympus and refused to perform her duties
Zeus then called for her return so they could come to some kind of resolution but she ignored him it was then Raya who visited her comforting her and
convincing her that there was no reason to be angry as she would soon see her daughter again in some variations Raya also played a part in helping Demeter look for Persephone there is also the story where Raya caught Cronus mid-act during an affair now there isn't a whole lot to this story Cronus was having an affair with one of Oceana seas many daughters when he was caught mid acts by Raya he then does what any God caught with his hand in the cookie jar would do he transforms into a horse and slowly trots away like nothing ever happened now what actually happened next your guess is as good as mine but I think it's safe to say that that wasn't the last he heard of it when the Titan goddess Leto fled to the island of Delos to give birth to Apollo and Artemis Rhea was one of the many goddesses present who went against the word of Hera helping comfort Leto during the pregnancy


                         ðŸ‘‰ðŸ‘‰it's fairly obvious that Raya is another deity who doesn't really care much for conflict she seems to be more concerned in performing her duties and only really comes out of obscurity to help and comfort those in need considering that she was once the queen of Olympus she seems to have no ill intent towards her children despite them effectively dethrone in her we can also assume by how hard Raya tried to keep her children away from Cronus that she wouldn't have sided with the Titans during their conflict with the Olympians and as a result, it's likely that she wouldn't have been imprisoned in Tartarus thereafter which could be why we still see her in a handful of stories if you have any thoughts and theories regarding Raya then feel free to share those in the comments below
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What does Rhea mean in Greek?
What is Rhea's power?
How did Rhea save Zeus?
Did Rhea die in Greek mythology?

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